Prometheus – Not Bad.

Elizabeth and I went to go see Prometheus this past Thursday night. We decided to head on over to the Alamo Drafthouse since “My favorite Sister-in-Law” Julie, would pick up Emmy from Summer Camp and Joaquin will be at his Boy Scout summer camp till this Saturday.

“Need to take advantage of this!” Elizabeth said.

Don’t have to tell me twice.

I really wanted to see this movie since I’m a “die hard” Alien fanboy. Didn’t really like any after ALIENS but since I’m a fan, I have to watch them.

What was cool was even a half hour before the movie started, they were showing all of these cheesy SciFi movie trailers. Like Mutant, Planet of the Vampires and I come in Peace. Plus some other movies I can’t remember other than saying, “You idiot, don’t shake that space canister!” Way cool to see these plus, they showed “Aliens on Ice, Live Theatrical Ice Skating version of the movie Aliens. It was a hoot to watch. See link below the movie posters.

Here is the link to the Aliens on Ice – funny to watch.

Speaking of movie posters – I got inspired and created my own version of G-man Prometheus movie poster – did it quickly but happy with the results. You know like the AVENGERS one? You can see the reference poster below.

The movie was not bad. And we took a chance and saw it in Dolby Digital 3D. Wow – it sure was used right in this movie. The use for the on-board computer interfaces the actors were using was phenomenal. Better than AVATAR in my opinion. Plus the new Dolby 3D glasses – they were pretty nice, except they felt like they were dirty, we couldn’t get the film off of them.

Did it answer my questions since it was a prequel to Alien?


It actually created more but I am glad I saw it. I’ll pick it up when it comes out in Blu ray.

All in all, it was a great “date night.”


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