Last night my wife, my daughter and my niece were kind enough to let me shoot portraits of them. I got creative.
I had fun doing my first real photo shoot. My wife Elizabeth, my daughter Emma and my neice (by marraige) Angelica came over. My buddy Mike was here to help as well, Fernando came to shoot some video as well but since I was using my strobes it was tough for him to get any shots so he helped with set up as well. I had a shot list but didn’t get everything I wanted but, I did have fun experimenting with lights in my living room.
We turned out living room into a studio, almost like the past time we shot a video of Wendy (click here for link).
I was pleasantly surprised at how it set up so well. It made it easy to shoot my models. Below are just a few samples of the 500 images I shot. I’ve proccessed only a few. Click on them for a larger view.
Now to finish processing and then post some more online.