Earlier today I was lucky enough to test out some photo gear to prepare for a family portrait I’m supposed to do. My good friend Morgan graciously allowed me to use her as my model in our back “40” behind our house.
My goal was to create a more dramatic photo by darkening the ambient light (background) and then hitting Morgan with some flash. I was using a battery operated streaklight lent to me by my buddy Mike. This streak light is light a speed light but on steroids. It’s also battery operated so I was able to move around quickly. I shot with my trusty Nikon D7000 using high speed sync at around F 1.8 and a shutter speed over 1000. I wish we had more sunlight but we were shooting on a cloudy day around 4pm. The darkening of the background pulls your eye to the model and I love the look.
You can click on the images below for a larger view.