My son borrowed my GoPro to augment shooting the Antonian Senior boat races. He got some good stuff but at the end “someone” grabbed the GoPro with the intent of tossing into the pool.
GoPro came out of case and plunged into pool. Immediately my son dove in – as I would have, I’ll tell you a story about that soon.
He scooped it out of the water but it was already blinking badly. He got it home and we couldn’t get it to turn off or record. Just steady red LED lights remain on. These little cameras are tough but when they are in the waterproof case.
So, we’ve put it in the Electronic ICU – a bag of white rice in the hopes it will come back.
The other kid already fessed up and will help pay for a new one but I can’t honestly charge then for a newer version so if it doesn’t come back, I’ll have to pay to get another one. Bummer too, because I have all of the “extra” batteries, cases etc for my older version.
And the funny thing was that Joaquin said the other video camera were fogging up so only footage from my GoPro will be used.
This is my first GoPro and it has sentimental value.