October 1, 2006

This past weekend Joaquin and I joined a local Boy Scout Troop for our first overnight camping trip. Joaquin is a 2nd year Webelo and next year he becomes a Boy Scout, so we are scouting Troops that he can "ascend to." We joined Troop 511 for an over night camping trip to Camp Fawcett where they were having the Concho Valley Webelos World. The Boy Scout camp is located about 2 1/2 hours southwest of San Antonio near Leaky TX. We got up really early (6am) Saturday, packed up the truck, picked up two more Webelos and another parent and met the rest of the Troop at the church location. After some packing and a head count we were on our way. We caravanned it over to Uvalde, took a right and then another forty miles to Camp Fawcett. We arrived around 1pm and set up camp and had lunch. It was an impressive campsite with the river just below us and a cool breeze almost all day and night.

This trip was a learning experience for both the boys and me. The Webelos got to see what it's like in a Boy Scout camp where everything is lead by the boys. The parents and Scout Masters are there to guide them only. The Boy Scouts set up, cook, feed and clean for themselves while the parents and Scout Masters observe and teach. The Boy Scouts have their own trailer and equipment - pretty impressive. Hardest part for me was to sit and watch as our boys fended for themselves but the older Boy Scouts helped them out. While at the camp, the Webelos got to visit different campsites where Scout Troops were assigned to demonstrate Scout Skill. At the different stations the Webelos learned how to tie knots, use a compass, rope lashing and first aid. Later that day all the Webelos at the camp had a Relay Contest using the skills they had learned. Our Webelos did great! Later that night after the flag lowering ceremony, everyone at the camp gathered around the campfire ring as awards were handed out to the visiting Webelos that participated in the Relay Contest. Our guys won 1st place in the Tug-of-War (my boy was the anchor!), 2nd place in Knot Tying (very impressive) and 3rd place in the overall challenge. We ended the evening watching the Troops perform skits. Our Troop headed back to our campsite and ate cobbler and chocolate cake baked in the Dutch ovens, yum-yum. Then lights out at 11pm. Sunday morning we broke camp and were back in San Antonio by 1:30pm.

I was useful in that I took a lot of pictures. I've loaded them up to a Gallery but be warned...there are about 140 shots set up in the gallery. If you don't want to click each time - just click on one picture then use the slide show button in the Nav bar (as indicated below) and the photos will change every four seconds.

Click here or on the Nav Bar below to take you to the Gallery.

Oh and I know I need to clean my lens - those night time shots were dust - not rain drops! A lens cleaning cloth was the one thing this 'ol Boy Scout forgot to pack!

Thanks for letting me share.


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