Date Time Location W/L Score
VS St. John Bosco 8.22 6:30pm St. John Bosco scrimmage
VS St. Mary 8.30 7:00pm Fredericksburg L 30-0
VS St. Lukes* 9.5 7:30pm MSH W 0-22
VS St. Matthew* 9.11 6:00pm MSH L 22-14
VS Holy Spirit 9.18 6:30pm Holy Spirit L 30-0
VS St. Paul* 9.26 6:00pm MSH L 34-6
VS St. John Bosco 10.3 6:00pm MSH W 32-19
VS Sacred Heart* 10.17 6:00pm MSH    
VS Holy Cross 10.23 5:00pm Holy Cross    
* Denotes Blessed Sacrament is home team. Click here for PDF of schedule.


10.3 - Good game - lots of great break away runs from the BSS team - next time - Home coming!

9.26 - We had a couple of great interceptions our fumbles killed us. We finally scored in the 4th Quarter to break the shut out!

9.18 - Our guys were dropping like flies with injuries. Tough loss.

9.11 - Moved our game up a day because Hurricane Ike was coming in. Penalties killed us. We should have won but we did better against this team than last year. Overall we're improving.

9.6 - Good game against St. Lukes - they won! Joaquin caused a fumble...but alas...I wasn't taking pictures. Oh well.

8.24 - Lost in Fredericksburg - but at least it wasn't as bad as last year. The score was 49-0. This year St. Mary's only scored 30 points and none in the 2nd half.

8.23 - Joaquin has started to play football again this year and this time - he's no Rookie. We're excited to see how he'll do this year so again - thank you for letting me share his schedule with you.


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