So yesterday while editing a video for my buddy Mike, we got to talking about a selfie pole he has for his GoPro, We both have one but he thought his was too flimsy. It would spin and I had the same problem with mine as well. Plus, I wanted to put my Sony A6000 on it and knew that at one pound (with kit lens) it would be too heavy for the GoPro selfie stick.
So I scoured the internet and found a couple of good ones but they were about $30 – $40. Kinda steep for me right now so I went the DIY route.
I found a couple of good videos and went and I already had most of the screws and stuff so I took off to buy the $15 Targus Monopod.
I documented my build below, so click on the images for a larger view. As I mentioned, I didn’t come up with this idea – this guy did. But I build mine a little differently so it could hold more weight.