So yesterday, Elizabeth, Berna and I attended the Brews and Blooms festival at the Botanical Gardens. Event started at 6:30pm and ended at 9:30pm.
It was a good event (in theory) and since I’d never been to the Botanical Gardens, Elizabeth didn’t have to twist my arm as long as I could bring my camera.
“WHAT! You’re a photographer and never been there!?”
I know, I know, but it was fun albeit a little poorly organized in my opinion. They gave you these little 4oz glasses and you’d stand in line for a 2oz portion which you would finish in a minute or two then go stand back in line. The good news is that they let you bring lawn chairs and you could “stake” you location and wander off to find food, beer and listen to music. The Botanical Gardens are great for daytime or dusk viewing but it sucks at night. I played around with my Sony and got some good pics plus we did have a good time.
I posted a gallery below. Click on the images for a larger view.