Replaced the 16bit circuit board to a new 32bit board on my Ender 3 Pro 3D printer. Nothing wrong with the current board but upgrading (small cost) included these benefits:
- Quieter stepper motors (not as much noise when printing)
- Enable thermal runaway (printer shuts down if the heating sensor malfunctions – won’t burn my house down)
- Allows me to upgrade the firmware without having to remove stuff from the on board memory
- Adds some numerous utility enhancements to printing
- The company included a rubber ducky (builds confidence)
I was a bit nervous of upgrading since you have to take the printer apart – remove wires and stuff but found a great tutorial online on how to do it and USE TAPE TO LABEL YOUR WIRES!!
Saved my ass…
So I did it and turned it on, it booted up but I needed to upgrade the firmware – which was a breeze via a mini SD card.
Now I’m printing. Whew…
Detailed photos below (click on them for a larger view – but the video below shows how much more quiet that new board helps. Now all I hear is the fan motors.
Video first – click to play:
Video Player
Install pics: