
October 4, 2007

So I decided to add a new section to my webpage. I'm calling it "G-TV" and I will post some videos I've been working on.

Click on the links below and you will see what I'm up to. For now - it' only the "SUSTOS" show but I'll be adding more content so keep checking back. I thought since Halloween was coming up - SUSTOS would be a great way to kick off this webpage.




So here is my first concept. I was watching the SCIFI channel the other night and saw this promo for a show called "Ghosthunters" and thought, "That would be cool to do!" So I decided to create my own promos for this show that doesn't exist and adding a Hispanic flair to it.

I'm calling the show "SUSTOS" which means "FEARS" in Spanish.

Click on the links below to see the promos I've come up with. I'll try to add them as quickly as I shoot and edit them but you know how that goes!



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