New and Improved Steadicam - August 29, 2004

August 29, 2004

Okay, I've built my new (and much improved) Steadicam for my DV camera. Remember that book I was referring to? It told you how to build camera equipment cheap? Well I finally was able to put one of those designs to good use. I built this Steadicam with my own hands!

It's made out of aluminum parts. Much lighter than the other one I built out of galvanized pipe! It took me about a day to build and it was so easy! The guy who wrote this book really guides you through the process. And it was cheap too. Parts for this baby came out to about $50. I did have to keep going back to the hardware store since I didn't get everything on the first pass; a problem I created because of my excitement. The guy from the book really spells it out for you so I have no excuse ...other than my excitement.


I haven't tested it just yet. I did mount my camera on it and it sits well. This one has alot more flexibility and can handle alot more moves. I'll have to test it next weekend but this time I'm going to script something out so I'm not directing and filming at the same time with my kiddos.

Again - I did not invent this! I've provided the link below if you want to build your own. Just passing along the good word...

Here is the link to the guy's web site where you can buy his book. Dan from was very helpful when I couldn't find parts or had questions. Really nice guy and he backs up his book with great service! I would highly recommend buying this book if you're serious about getting some professional looking video. The book pays for itself!

As soon as I test it I'll post another movie on how well it works. As I said, this one is much lighter and provides more movement than the last one I built. Maybe this one will keep my heart rate down to a manageable rate!

Click here to see a short clip
of this new Steadicam in action.

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